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The Calm Before the Storm

Meet Celtic Pride L Gryphon. What a doll baby this little buckling is! He's your unicorn boy if that's what you're into. Polled, blue eyes & moonspots. He was born 12.19.22 and is currently on bottles twice a day. He loves to kiss and nibble at your chin and loves to be held.

Yep, this is the calm before the storm. Currently on the farm we have 10 does bred. Five are bred to Tiny Hill Farm HR Gambler *B. Gambler's sire, Sugar Moon V High Roller *B, has us in awe once again, on the Elite Sire list in the #1 position at 99%. We feel so fortunate to have two of High Roller's daughters on the farm, Craftmade HR Renaissance A'lyn and Craftmade HR Cotton Pickin' Jay. A'lyn is one of the five does bred to our other amazing buck, Lena's Kid's V Comet +*B.

There's so much to look forward to with these breedings. Both bucks come from extremely heavy milk lines. Gambler is the nephew to Elite SG Sugar Moon V Zuzanna 4*M, who holds the position of all-time Nigerian Dwarf breed-leader. She holds the record for highest genetic merit and milked a whopping 2187#, 105# fat, 82# protein on her 4th lactation.

Lena's Kid's V Comet +*B is son of Lena's Kid's Pearl 1*M VEEE90 who is pretty amazing herself. She milked 1531# on her 5th lactation. Comet has daughters who are proving themselves to be worthy milkers as well.

After confirming our does that were bred we anticipate between 21-30 spring kids out of these amazing genetics. This quiet time is the CALM before the storm!

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