About Kirk Farms

Situated on roughly 500 acres in rural Findlay, Ohio, we consider ourselves hobby farmers with full-time day jobs. We have a little bit of everything here from the Nigerian Dwarves, chickens & ducks, Haflinger's & dogs and a couple pet pigs. We love our life on the farm, homesteading & growing our own food and all that daily farm life entails. Most of all, we love the family time we've gained through traveling to shows and all the friendships we've made along the way.
We started this crazy goat journey in 2017 with the purchase of our first ADGA-registered Nigerian Dwarf does, Ruby & Iris. We instantly fell in love with these miniature goats with huge personalities. So much so, we expanded our herd in 2020, during the pandemic. Sabrina received a certificate in "Dairy Goat Herd Management" from the Southwest Wisconsin Technical College in Fennimore, Wisconsin in May of 2021.
Loving the journey we were on, we participated in our first goat show to "dip our hooves in" so to speak, as well as participated in the American Dairy Goat Association's Dairy Herd Improvement Registry (DHIR) with Ruby & Iris. Both Iris and Ruby obtained their milk stars on their milk tests! Then, in September of 2021, our herd participated in the Linear Appraisal process. This information helped guide us through making some tough but necessary cuts to the herd and purchasing a few more to line up our breeding plans for the next couple of years.
In 2022, we welcomed 9 new kids in February & March. Three doelings have been retained from those breedings to integrate into our foundation herd. We said goodbye to our beloved herdsire as he went south to continue his legacy and we welcomed a new herdsire "Tiny Hill Farm HR Gambler" to carry us into 2023 and beyond.
In 2023, we've had a very strong year in the show ring. We added dry legs to three of our does (Fandango, SugarBee & Poetess), finished a permanent champion buck (Comet VEE87) and purchased another stellar buck (Brown Ear VEE88) each of which participated in LA and improved their scores! All other bucks in our barn received their junior legs as well. Comet & SugarBee both earned Best In Show awards. Fandango, Comet & Rafiki earned Best in Breed awards. As show season wraps up, our breeding season has begun. We have some exciting pairings in store for 2024 as we plan our show string toward Nationals in Louisville. As far as DHIR goes, we have 6 participating. Adella & Covergirl both completed their 305 day lactations and easily picked up their AR star and to our surprise Adella was named to the ELITE doe list as a first freshener at 96% elite. The other four does are working hard at it and can hopefully be dried off before Thanksgiving, giving us a much needed break.

Iris & Ruby

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