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Kirk Farms' Nigerian Dwarf Does

Tempting Willows DL Maybelline

Barn Name: Maybell

ADGA # PD2166386

DOB: 7/20/2022

SIRE: Violet's Acre BB Daario

S: CUAtLilRedBarn BenJen

SS: CUAtLilRedBarn Whistle Back

SD: CUAtLilRedBarn Nutty Bar 3*M VEEV89


D: Violet's Acre AB Busy Bee 

DS: Castle Rock Akikta +*B VVV87

DD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Spelling Bee 2*M


DAM: Tempting Willows Lady Luck

S: Tempting Willows Fiel Journey *B

SS: Buttin'Heads Jamie Laredo

SD: Tempting Willows BF Faith 1*M +VEV85


D: SG Tempting Willows Lots of Aces 4*M EEVV90

DS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Straight Aces +*B +VV83

DD: CH DesertNanny BE Sweet Ambrosia 3*M VEEE91

Milk Test Data


Udders Behind Maybell

Images are courtesy of Tempting Willows, Violet's Acre, Lil Red Barn Farm & Desert Nanny Nigerians

CUAtLilRedBarn Nutty Bar 3*M VEEE91
CUAtLilRedBarn Nutty Bar 3*M VEEE91
CH Violet's Acre AB Busy Bee +VEV87
CH Violet's Acre AB Busy Bee +VEV87
GCH Wood Bridge Farm Spelling Bee
GCH Wood Bridge Farm Spelling Bee
Tempting Willows BF Faith 1*M +VEV85
Tempting Willows BF Faith 1*M +VEV85
Tempting Willows Lady Luck
Tempting Willows Lady Luck
GCH DesertNanny BE Sweet Ambrosia 3*M VEEE91
GCH DesertNanny BE Sweet Ambrosia 3*M VEEE91

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2022 Designed for Kirk Farms by O'Brien Farm CNY

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